› Mom's Kitchen and Bar

Brunch Mom's Kitchen and Bar


20 €

701 9th Ave

NY10019 New York

"Brunch all day long at Mom's Kitchen"

Notes de la Rédac'

Cadre : starsstarsstars

Nourriture : starsstarsstars

Buffet : Non

Terrasse : Non

Note : stars stars stars

Avis des internautes

- /10

Description de la Rédaction

At Mom’s, you can enjoy the brunch all day long. From Mac&Cheese Pancakes to avocado toast and chicken& bacon waffle, you will for sure have a pleasant time at Mom’s. The menu is diverse so that everyone can be satisfied. In the restaurant, the atmosphere is lively and the food is comforting. Many cocktails are also available on the menu !

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