Brunch Jams


35 €

1414 6th Ave

NY10019 New York

"A great à la carte brunch close to Central Park West"

Notes de la Rédac'

Cadre : starsstarsstarsstars

Nourriture : starsstarsstarsstars

Buffet : Non

Terrasse : starsstarsstarsstars

Note : stars stars stars stars

Avis des internautes

- /10

Description de la Rédaction

At Jams, brunch is à la carte and offers all the classics of a great brunch. From diverse types of croissants (almond croissant, chocolate croissant, etc) to salmon bagel and brioche French toast, you will for sure find your happiness. Some more original dishes are also on the menu like Huevos Rancheros (black beans with salsa verde, fried egg, cotisa cheese, radish, red onion and avocado). It should be noted that the offerings may change based on seasonality and availability.

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