Brunch BEA NYC


28 €

403 W 43rd St

NY10036 New York

"A tasty brunch in a friendly restaurant"

Notes de la Rédac'

Cadre : starsstarsstarsstars

Nourriture : starsstarsstarsstars

Buffet : Non

Terrasse : Non

Note : stars stars stars stars

Avis des internautes

- /10

Description de la Rédaction

Every week-end, the restaurant Bea serves a delicious brunch made of many tasty dishes. From the appetizer to the main event and sides, everything is gourmet and appetizing. Eggs Benedict, Bea Burger, Breakfast potatoes, Kale Caesar salad ; these are some of the meal you can taste at Bea. The Brunch prefix is $28 and you can choose 1 appetizer, 1 side and 1 main event. You can also enjoy the brunch with a fresh made cocktail (you can choose between a Bloody Mary, a Mimosa or an Early Bird). The restaurant has also a stunning bar and ample space between tables, which make it the perfect spot to enjoy your brunch with friends or family.

Les brunchs qui vous plairont

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